
by Mrs. C.
Mr. C and I are downsizing. Now before you conjure up an image of a toned, fit and svelte couple, let me say that is not what I am talking about. Mr. C and I are sorting through 54 years of “stuff” which we’ve accumulated. For me they are treasures, each with a warm memory attached; for Mr. C, not so much. We have had a few tense moments (Pastor Todd is on speed dial) as we decide what to keep and what needs to go. (Mr. C is dangerously close to being in the “to go” pile.)
Webster defines “treasure” as something of great value; so, if I am honest with myself, none of our “stuff” is a treasure. We truly only have one treasure in life and that is our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It truly amazes me that in Exodus 19:5 God calls us His treasured possession! During this Lenten season we are especially aware of just how much he “treasures” us because we remember the price He paid to redeem us. (1 John 4:10)
So there may be a few more knock down, dragged out fights polite disagreements about what goes and what stays from our attic, basement, and closets, but rest assured, we will never part with our gift of salvation that was given to us by God himself. That treasure we will keep and carry into eternity.
Father God it is so wonderful to be ‘treasured’ by you. Please never let me forget the cost, the price you paid for me to be called “a child of God”. Thank you Father. Amen

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