Life Lessons from a Coconut Custodian

It might be nutty… but hear me out. During my brief time at CABC, I have had the opportunity to observe how people interact around here and we’re not as different as you might think.



Where Do You Come From?


Truth That Sets Us Free


Go and Tell


Ministry Spotlight – School of Christian Living

Ministry Spotlight: School of Christian Living (SOCL)
Ministry Chairperson(s): Brian Reigart
Sunday mornings don’t end after worship service… there’s a whole other hour for children, youth and adults to enjoy! And our School of Christian Living committee does a great job providing opportunities for adults to grow even further through Sunday morning studies. Fittingly, as new classes start up this month, we thought we’d highlight this committee in this edition of the CABC Ministry Spotlight!
For those who have seen the “SOCL” acronym and just assumed it meant we provided opportunities to Sit On Chairs Laughing (opposed to rolling on the floors laughing… because that’s too hard to get back up!), we hope this will now educate you that we are referring to our adult Sunday School classes: the School of Christian Living (though we usually do provide opportunities to laugh in them as well).
The purpose of SOCL is to provide the congregation of CABC with opportunities to know God and the saving knowledge of Christ through Sunday morning studies. Currently, the committee seeks to accomplish this by offering multiple tracks with different focal content including Bible studies, family life, parenting, marriage, topical studies and Christian living series.
Other responsibilities of the SOCL committee include researching, planning and implementing adult Christian education opportunities; working with staff and elders to coordinate times and locations for classes and events; recruit, prepare and support spiritually gifted teachers who have a passion to help others grow in their knowledge of the Lord; develop and maintain budgets for curriculum and supplies necessary for SOCL to function effectively; and to promote, evaluate and report the opportunities and events made possible by the committee throughout the year.
If you have enjoyed one of such classes in the recent months, you can thank the work of this committee for their time and selective topics! The committee itself directly accountable to the CABC Elder Board and is comprised of an elder-appointed chairperson and at least four church members or regular attenders.
New classes are starting up this Sunday, March 15 at 10:30am! For more information on current and upcoming class offerings, be sure to check out the SOCL webpage for ongoing and up-to-date details. And as always, if you are interested in becoming a part of this committee or possibly even teaching a future SOCL class, please connect with Brian for more details and discussion! And for anyone who hasn’t yet attended a class, as Brian says, “Just try it… you’ll like it!”