I Am With You




Dearly Beloved


What Is The Meaning of Easter


The Hope Found In The Easter Message

through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4)
Am I Listening When God Speaks?
by Deb Seibert
I like to take notes from sermons then record some of the teaching points in my journal as a reminder. So one day last summer I was recording some of these notes from our pastor’s sermon, “What part of my life shows that I love Jesus?” The corresponding verse was 2 Corinthians 5:14, which tells us the love of Christ controls or compels us—His love fuels our passion and motivates us. I finished my writing that day, asking God to work through me to help others. Then I was on to a day of errands, a long list of things to accomplish.
Prior to leaving, I prayed over the order of my tasks then got in my car to head to Nunda fruit farm. God arranged my schedule to stop there first so my path would cross with a dear young Mennonite mother. She was buying a peck of peaches and apples so I asked her what she planned to do with all the fruit. Her reply was that she has ten children and she was buying the fruit (seconds) merely to eat—they would go through it quickly. I said, “God bless you!” and she replied, “Thank you, we need God’s blessings!” I paid for my peaches, got in my car and headed to Hanover for the rest of my errands.
But as I drove off, I heard God speak, “You have missed the opportunity that I gave you to help others.” Suddenly it dawned on me…why was I just kind to this family—why did I not pay for her fruit? She has ten children! Tears started rolling down my cheeks and I wondered why the thought had not come to me sooner. I had a little money in my wallet but I thought that by the time I turned around and went back she would be gone. NO—no excuses; the Spirit was working on my heart.
Immediately I turned my car around and when I arrived back to the parking lot of Nunda, I was overjoyed to see the dear mother in her car. I felt my heart soften as I heard God say, “Give her the money that is in your wallet—ALL of it!” I approached her car, tapped on the window and said, “This morning I told God I would help someone, and you are the one He chose.”
I handed her the money and she thanked me with a surprised look on her face. But she was not as thankful as I. I got in my car, thanking Him for working through me and not allowing me to miss the opportunity which He had provided to bring Him glory.
Lord, thank you for the great example of Jesus. He always listened to you and did what you commanded, even to the point of giving it all—His very life—for each one of us.