Firewood Abolished

From the setting of our mid-winter’s kitchen, I said to Vicki, “Today I’ll devote my time to moving some firewood.” Just then, I was reminded of our yearly Lenten Devotional here at CABC and realized my contribution to it.
Three decades ago, the five acres we built on had numerous trees growing on the fringes of the property. Since then, many more trees were planted and additional trees have grown up on their own. In most years, we’ve been able to supplement our firewood needs—a woodstove and a fire bowl. I can still remember how, early on, the thick understory of wild vines and brambles had caused me to recall, “The ground will produce thorns and thistles for you.” (Genesis 3:18)
But today I found myself curiously looking for Scripture in reference to firewood. It was interesting to me that most Old Testament references have all to do with burnt offerings and sacrifices. It impresses me to understand how great the need for firewood must have been—firewood for the kitchens and the altars of the Temple(s). It also strikes me to see how precious and few are any New Testament references to firewood. Indeed, they are practically nil. Why such little mention of what was probably a commodity?
In Psalm 40: 6-8, we are given passage to the heart of the matter of firewood, not for altar fire, woodstoves or fire bowls, but of Priestly Duty:
…Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
But my ears you have pierced; but a body you prepared for me;
With burnt offerings and sin offerings
You did not require; you were not pleased…
The Author of Hebrews repeats David the Psalmist/Prophet in Hebrews 10:5-7, and further presents all that is entailed within that Chapter. Until at last it culminates in explaining how, because of the obedience of Christ our High Priest, there is no more need of firewood. There is simply no place or function for it in the Temple. Hence, no direct reference to firewood in the New Testament.
Dear Father, as we focus this day on your provision for our need of a priest, we are fervent in prayer for our remembrance of the Blood and Body of Christ, who is our High Priest forever. For it is in that blood, not of bulls and goats, that we find the Comfort and Hope of Forgiveness. This season, approaching Easter Morning, cause our recall of your Word O God, our Salvation. Amen.

Scripture Focus: Philippians

did not consider equality with God something to be used to
his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.”
DR 2021 Mission Update
The 2021 Dominican team regrets to announce that they will be Postponing their trip due to the many Covid-19 restrictions. As of now, we will stop the collection of items that were on the donation list. Many plans are already in place for this trip so we will update the congregation when God calls us to proceed. Your previous donated items are awaiting the trip also!
Please know that fundraising efforts that are still happening here at CABC will be sent directly to the Dominican. The need is great there and they are forming teams of their own to carry out our donations. We are blessed to have such a wonderful family in the Dominican.
Thank you all for continuing to hold this mission field in your hearts and prayers.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me via phone or text at 717-825-8941.
Jeanette Kessler
Dominican Trip Coordinator

No Small Parts


Victory in Jesus!

and our lives respond to your abiding care, NOW!
In the loving, living name of Jesus,

Our Mission