Ministry Spotlight – School of Christian Living

Ministry Spotlight: School of Christian Living (SOCL)
Ministry Chairperson(s): Brian Reigart

Sunday mornings don’t end after worship service… there’s a whole other hour for children, youth and adults to enjoy! And our School of Christian Living committee does a great job providing opportunities for adults to grow even further through Sunday morning studies. Fittingly, as new classes start up this month, we thought we’d highlight this committee in this edition of the CABC Ministry Spotlight!

For those who have seen the “SOCL” acronym and just assumed it meant we provided opportunities to Sit On Chairs Laughing (opposed to rolling on the floors laughing… because that’s too hard to get back up!), we hope this will now educate you that we are referring to our adult Sunday School classes: the School of Christian Living (though we usually do provide opportunities to laugh in them as well).

The purpose of SOCL is to provide the congregation of CABC with opportunities to know God and the saving knowledge of Christ through Sunday morning studies. Currently, the committee seeks to accomplish this by offering multiple tracks with different focal content including Bible studies, family life, parenting, marriage, topical studies and Christian living series.

Other responsibilities of the SOCL committee include researching, planning and implementing adult Christian education opportunities; working with staff and elders to coordinate times and locations for classes and events; recruit, prepare and support spiritually gifted teachers who have a passion to help others grow in their knowledge of the Lord; develop and maintain budgets for curriculum and supplies necessary for SOCL to function effectively; and to promote, evaluate and report the opportunities and events made possible by the committee throughout the year.

If you have enjoyed one of such classes in the recent months, you can thank the work of this committee for their time and selective topics! The committee itself directly accountable to the CABC Elder Board and is comprised of an elder-appointed chairperson and at least four church members or regular attenders.

New classes are starting up this Sunday, March 15 at 10:30am! For more information on current and upcoming class offerings, be sure to check out the SOCL webpage for ongoing and up-to-date details. And as always, if you are interested in becoming a part of this committee or possibly even teaching a future SOCL class, please connect with Brian for more details and discussion! And for anyone who hasn’t yet attended a class, as Brian says, “Just try it… you’ll like it!”



Ministry Spotlight – Worship Ministry

As our current sermon series is focused on the different ways of worship, we thought it fitting to give the Ministry Spotlight for February to our own Worship Ministry here at CABC!

Ministry Spotlight: Worship Ministry
Ministry Chair Person(s): Laura Enslen

“Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise His holy name (Psalm 30)” is just one of the many, many scriptures that reference worship & singing found in the Bible. It is also one of the verses that best sums up the work of the Worship Ministry here at CABC. Though it is one of those ministries that you literally can see every Sunday morning, there is a lot that goes into our Worship Ministry that is not necessarily seen or even known.

The purpose of the Worship Ministry here at CABC is to provide opportunities for the congregation to encounter the saving power of Jesus through worship in song  and other creative venues (choirs, special music & instrumentals, dramas, videos & photos and stage décor). This ministry includes our on-staff Worship Director, Laura Enslen, and her amazing team of volunteers who serve as worship leaders, musicians, singers and sound technicians (thank you plug (pun intended) to you all for your commitment and service each week).

Our Worship Ministry does an amazing job each week preparing for Sunday worship and selecting, practicing and leading congregational songs that connect and unite with the sermon theme for the week. But that is just one responsibility of this ministry. Other responsibilities include: preparing for Wednesday Night youth worship – a recently developed aspect of Worship Ministry to help engage youth in the worship leading and participating experience – by selecting, practicing and leading songs that connect with the lesson themes and youth group as a whole; providing worship in song for additional services (Good Friday, Christmas Eve, memorial and wedding) and events (CABC Highway Kids Christmas play) as assigned or requested; and providing opportunities to develop musical talent within the congregation – often through in-house or locally provided worship workshops.

Some of the recent goals of Worship Ministry have resulted in new objectives being introduced that you may have noticed such as: introducing new songs to the congregation one to two times a month through special music, praise choir and the worship team, as well as utilizing praise choir in worship as part of the regular worship team at least once a quarter.  Any one else been enjoying these features?!

We here at CABC are grateful to have such a Christ-centered Worship Ministry and such a lovely vocalist (inside and out) leading us in our time of worship week in and week out. Says Laura Enslen about her love for music, “I think we express our devotion to God in so many beautiful ways, and music has always been a place where I can feel close to Him. Leading our congregation is a wonderful gift to be given, and I’m humbled in how he uses each of us on a Sunday morning. Our team of volunteers are dedicated and talented, and I am so thankful to serve alongside of each one. When we raise our voices together in song, I get a small glimpse of what heaven will look like when we are all gathered around the throne singing praises to our Lord.”

If you have a love for music, whether it’s singing, playing and instrument, or helping enhance audio and visual effects be sure to connect with Laura for a chance to be a part of CABC’s Worship Ministry. You can usually find her on stage on a Sunday morning or connect with her right here!


Ministry Spotlight – Finance Committee

After a holiday break, we’re back with more CABC Ministry Spotlights, highlighting the various and diverse ministries found right here at CABC! First up for 2020 is the CABC Finance Committee!

Ministry Spotlight: Finance Committee
Ministry Chair Person(s): Mike Enslen

Now that the holiday season is over and the new year has started, we’re all ready to budget, tighten up our spending, and balance some checkbooks, right?! Well, okay maybe we’re all not that excited about finances in that perspective… but our CABC Finance Committee sure is! (anyone else hear crickets chirping?)

CABC is blessed to have a wonderful Finance Committee dedicated to tackling the big (sometimes stressful, but important) questions and concerns of being stewards of God in regard to monetary matters. The committee holds to the words of Paul in his letter to the Philippians saying, “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).”

The committee’s primary purpose is to oversee the financial activities of the church and to maintain its books and financial records. The committee itself is made up of five areas of service: a chairperson to serve as the Church Treasurer, and Elder representative, the on-staff Bookkeeper, the Financial Secretary and anywhere from 2-4 members of the congregation.

The Finance Committee has many important responsibilities (as do all our wonderful ministries) that help keep our financial records organized, secure and honest. Some of those responsibilities include: preparing the annual church budget by consolidating individuals budgets from all staff, committees and ministries within CABC; regularly reviewing the financial condition of the church and providing leadership and the church body as a whole with reports reflecting the health and/or needs currently found; establishing goals and priorities for the Finance Committee itself based on the church’s objectives and long-range plans as defined by the Elder Board; and finally, maintaining insurance policies for the church, ensuring adequate safeguards are in place to control and limit access to the church’s monetary funds, and providing for the audit of the church’s books and financial records every third year.  

Chairman, Mike Enslen, has led this committee for the past six months and is doing a great job (along with his team!) working with all levels of leadership and effectively and openly sharing updates, praises and concerns with the congregation. In his words, “The Finance Committee has an important responsibility, not only to create the operating budget, but to oversee the flow of money into and out of the church throughout the year.  We take this responsibility seriously as we seek to be good stewards with what God has provided CABC to serve the body, the surrounding community, and the world.”
You’re encouraged to join the Semi-Annual Business Meeting coming up at the end of the month (and the Annual Business Meeting at the end of June) for more in-depth updates and details as it pertains to the financial health and goals of the church. The committee is always open to new members to join as well. Feel free to find Mr. Mike Enseln on Sundays (though perhaps not while he’s in the drum cage) to discuss more about this ministry at CABC if you want to know more. 
Tune in next month for another CABC Ministry Spotlight!


Ministry Spotlight – Women’s Ministry

Ministry Spotlight: Women’s Ministry
Ministry Chair Person(s): Kristine Gardner
CABC’s Women’s Ministry purpose is to draw closer to God (amen sisters!); to know Him and demonstrate Christ’s love by fostering a community of service that is encouraging, loving and supportive. And these ladies know how to do just that!
Led by Kristine Garnder, the Women’s Ministry committee includes Bethanie Freeman, Deb Trojak and Carol Crawford. The team works together to plan and implement opportunities for fellow women of the church and community at large to fellowship throughout the year. Some of their plans for service and fellowship include blessing others through meal prep service projects, pot lucks, the women’s tea, game and fellowship times, weekend retreats, Bible study groups and devotional times sprinkled throughout.
The main goal of Women’s Ministry is simple: to promote fellowship among the women of CABC, as well as to reach out to those women outside our church walls and in our community and to share Christ’s love with them. They are working to encourage and invite more ladies to attend each event to foster that spirit of fellowship, and they additionally commit to having a time of devotions and intentional prayer to help meet the spiritual needs of those being served during each event.
Already this year, this group has blessed numerous families with dinner meals prepared during their first meal prep service project, And if that isn’t sweet enough, each meal includes a verse of encouraging scripture written on on the dish covering to remind those who enjoy them that both God and your CABC family is here for you. The next opportunity to enjoy some sisterly love and fellowship will be a the Women’s Ministry Clothing Swap happening on Friday, November 8th at CABC. Alongside a time of devotion and prayer, this will be a fun evening for ladies to come together and… well, shop! Because the only thing better than shopping is shopping (FOR FREE!) with your (fashionable) sisters in Christ!
Kristine says she loves being a part (and now leading) this ministry. “I’ve only been to a few events and the retreat, but just during those times I have loved being able to get to know the other women in the church and build new friendships. Had I not gone, there are quite a few ladies I don’t think I would have even really met. But besides the friendships we can build with each other, I love the opportunity Women’s Ministry gives for ladies to serve together as a family and grow in our relationship with Christ.”
If you are interested in joining this group of wonderful ladies who work to provide opportunities for sisters in Christ to connect, grow, love and serve, then connect with Kristine or come out to an event and see for yourself! And you can always see what’s happening on their ministry web page.


Ministry Spotlight – CABC Preschool

Ministry Spotlight: CABC Preschool
Ministry Chair Person(s): Miss Crystal Johnson, CABC Preschool Teacher and Miss Vicky Bange, CABC Preschool Aide
CABC Preschool has officially started back up again for the ninth year for the 2019-2020 school year! Miss Crystal and Miss Vicky are perhaps two of the best teachers a child could ever have (obviously not biased at all… but honestly, a little jealous I didn’t get to have them as my preschool teachers)!
CABC Preschool exists to meet the basic needs of each child to be loved and accepted and to affirm their uniqueness. It strives to encourage each child to grow at his/her own pace (physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually), help them grow and develop in trustful and loving relationships and to provide a strong, solid foundation for further education. CABC Preschool not only provides a warm and loving educational environment for the children of CABC and our surrounding communities, but seeks to provide each child with various age-appropriate learning experiences as well as spiritual and Bible-based education.
And for anyone who thinks running a preschool  for 3 and 4-year-olds is pretty easy and not very involved, please… continue reading.
Miss Crystal and Miss Vicky work year-round to prepare and implement each school year’s curriculum, work with CABC staff, pastors, edlers and deacons on all Preschool-related and CABC-related functions, communicate with the CABC Preschool board with updates, changes, challenges and successes, communicate with area public schools to know what is required for students going into Kindergarten and to implement those skills into the CABC Preschool curriculum, enroll new families to the program, communicate with parents, grandparents and other family members throughout the year and from year to year and then care for and educate children ages 3 through 5 for 2.5 hours per session (and for you math nerds there are a combined total of 7 sessions in a week for 3 and 4-year-olds).
All that to say, there is more than just fun and games taking place in CABC Preschool each week… but boy, can Miss Crystal and Miss Vicky make learning feel like all fun and games!
“I love my job because it is never boring, ” says Miss Crystal. “I never know from one moment to the next what might happen or be said. And I absolutely love this age because they are so new, fresh and innocent. I get to lay the foundation of education that will be with them for their entire lives. I get to teach them the basics that will be used day in and day out forever; like colors, shapes, writing their name, cutting, numbers, letters and so much more!”
And when the two of them are not teaching in preschool they can be found running VBS at CABC, volunteering at our Wednesday Night programs, teaching Sunday School, loving on babies in the CABC nursery and so much more.
If you are looking for a great preschool for your child(ren), there are still a few open afternoon spots in the 4-year-old classes and CABC Preschool enrolls year-round! If you are interested in getting involved with CABC Preschool, volunteers are always needed to be on-call should Miss Crystal or Miss Vicky be sick and unable to teach. Background clearances are required to volunteer in this capacity.
For even more information on this great CABC ministry, be sure to check out their website and follow the fun on Facebook! And tune in next month for another Ministry Spotlight at CABC

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Ministry Spotlight – Staff Relations

We are excited to kick off an new monthly series highlighting one of the many ministries and inner workings of CABC! This is a great way for you to learn more about the various ministries found right here at CABC and, if you’re really interested, how to get more involved. So lets get started!

Ministry Spotlight: Staff Relations
Ministry Chair Person(s): Bethanie Freeman

The Staff Relations Committee (SRC) at CABC can be summarized by two verses from scripture. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17) and “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). The purpose of SRC is to foster constructive communication between the Congregation and its pastoral leadership and staff employees. SRC works as a representative of the Congregation in matters relating to the professional and personal well being of all staff members and is an investment in our staff and therefore CABC’s long term ministry as a whole.
The goal of Staff Relations is to simply support and partner with each CABC staff member. Through encouragement, annual interviews, collective feedback, and team building/staff appreciation activities, SRC ensures that each staff members is able to fulfill both their personal and ministry goals and objectives. Each committee member serves as a representative to one or more staff members to pray for and encourage them throughout the year. The committee also help to provide staff with multiple team-building and appreciation activities throughout the year that.
SRC meets with staff every year to conduct evaluations and yearly interviews to help better meet the needs of the church and staff alike. SRC helps fill new or open positions as they become available and works alongside the Elder and Deacon boards and Finance committee throughout the year.
Or in the words of SRC chair, Bethanie Freeman, “I believe that CABC has an amazing staff. But part of keeping an amazing staff is forming a connection between the congregation, the leaders and the staff… which is the whole purpose of Staff Relations. We seek to support our staff in any way we can to make sure that we keep such wonderful people to lead our church.”
(And for the record, this staff member sure does appreciate that support and encouragement from SRC and the CABC church body as a whole!)
If you would like to be a part of this committee of caring, encouraging and accountable people, be sure to talk to Bethanie to learn even more! Tune in next month for another Ministry Spotlight!