DR Mission Trip 2019

So it is that time again! I can’t believe it’s been a year since our team boarded a plane to partner in ministry with our Dominican Republic family, but as we all know time moves quickly. This post will be short, but I wanted to let you know where you can hear about our journey during the upcoming days.
Throughout our week in the DR, myself (along with help from our team) will be posting daily updates (internet provided) as we serve. My hope is that it is uplifting to follow our journey and pray along with us as experience what God has in store for us. Feel free to share this page with others so that they can follow along too. Also keep an eye on our CABC Facebook Page to see regular updates of pictures throughout the week.
My encouragement to you is also to serve God faithfully where you will be this week. Whether we are in the DR, US, or anywhere else around the world, let us put on the Armor of God and be fully prepared to do what we each have been called to do this week!
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” – Ephesians 6:10
-Pastor Josh