Ministry Spotlight – Women’s Ministry

Ministry Spotlight: Women’s Ministry
Ministry Chair Person(s): Kristine Gardner
CABC’s Women’s Ministry purpose is to draw closer to God (amen sisters!); to know Him and demonstrate Christ’s love by fostering a community of service that is encouraging, loving and supportive. And these ladies know how to do just that!
Led by Kristine Garnder, the Women’s Ministry committee includes Bethanie Freeman, Deb Trojak and Carol Crawford. The team works together to plan and implement opportunities for fellow women of the church and community at large to fellowship throughout the year. Some of their plans for service and fellowship include blessing others through meal prep service projects, pot lucks, the women’s tea, game and fellowship times, weekend retreats, Bible study groups and devotional times sprinkled throughout.
The main goal of Women’s Ministry is simple: to promote fellowship among the women of CABC, as well as to reach out to those women outside our church walls and in our community and to share Christ’s love with them. They are working to encourage and invite more ladies to attend each event to foster that spirit of fellowship, and they additionally commit to having a time of devotions and intentional prayer to help meet the spiritual needs of those being served during each event.
Already this year, this group has blessed numerous families with dinner meals prepared during their first meal prep service project, And if that isn’t sweet enough, each meal includes a verse of encouraging scripture written on on the dish covering to remind those who enjoy them that both God and your CABC family is here for you. The next opportunity to enjoy some sisterly love and fellowship will be a the Women’s Ministry Clothing Swap happening on Friday, November 8th at CABC. Alongside a time of devotion and prayer, this will be a fun evening for ladies to come together and… well, shop! Because the only thing better than shopping is shopping (FOR FREE!) with your (fashionable) sisters in Christ!
Kristine says she loves being a part (and now leading) this ministry. “I’ve only been to a few events and the retreat, but just during those times I have loved being able to get to know the other women in the church and build new friendships. Had I not gone, there are quite a few ladies I don’t think I would have even really met. But besides the friendships we can build with each other, I love the opportunity Women’s Ministry gives for ladies to serve together as a family and grow in our relationship with Christ.”
If you are interested in joining this group of wonderful ladies who work to provide opportunities for sisters in Christ to connect, grow, love and serve, then connect with Kristine or come out to an event and see for yourself! And you can always see what’s happening on their ministry web page.

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