Somebody Testify! – Day 11

Growing up in a conservative Baptist church, I can remember a particular elder in my church who always wore a smile on his face and had positive, encouraging words to share. I knew to be prepared if our paths crossed, as he would come right up to me and ask, “What have you learned about Jesus, and what can you share?”

I have to admit, that was challenging for me as a young person. But as the years roll by, as I learn more of God and I see Him in action, I am more aware to thank Him and make it known to others. We are called to testify of the goodness of our Lord.

This has been a reoccurring theme to me lately. Worshiping God in church, we have sang the song “Chain Breaker” (by Zach Williams). The words in the chorus say:

“If you believe it,

If you receive it,

If you can feel it

Somebody testify!

God is writing a story for each one of our lives. We all have so much to thank Him for and share with others. Psalm 66:16 says, “Come and hear all you who fear God, and I will tell you what He has done for my soul.”

Recently at church, we had young people give testimonies as they were baptized. Jeanette Kessler also shared her heartfelt thanks to God, testifying to the opportunity He gave her to observe and work with the family in the DR.

When we hear these testimonies from others, it has an effect on us. It encourages us. It helps our faith to grow stronger. It spreads the Good News of Jesus. It helps people relate to the gospel. It brings glory to God!

I can remember a few years back, Rocky Leib brought a stone to our Sunday School class for an object lesson. The stone just sat there. We read the story of Jesus riding the colt into Jerusalem prior to his crucifixion. The crowds were joyfuly praising God, but the Pharisees were offended and told Jesus to rebuke his disciples. Jesus responded by saying, “I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

After this, Jesus took the place of each one of us as he hung on the cross for our sins. But he was resurrected to his Father in heaven. God has done so much in each one of our lives. Don’t lose the opportunity – SOMEBODY TESTIFY!
– Deb Seibert