Be Thou My Vision

by Joe Becker
Twenty-five years ago my congregation of choice met in a small, local chapel. Although it was quaint by most standards, it provided a suitable environment for our weekly Bible study. At that time, the Pastor (Shepherd) happened to be big in the topic of The Body of Christ, particularly as it is found in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12.
The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12)
The body analogy fits so well that the Apostle Paul referred to it some two dozen times in his various letters. One Sunday session I remember being stirred to share from a squeaky chestnut pew my own perspective of Paul’s insight—that the body needs an eye, and the eye needs a body. “I may be only a ‘big toe’ in this assembly,” I said, “but I am a part of this body.”
Sometime later I recalled thinking how any old toe is critically dependant on the eyes of the body in order to be kept safe and balanced and to see, as well as measure, steps without becoming a ‘stubbed toe’. I realized what a great responsibility it is for the eyes (leadership) of the Church Body to shepherd the flock, not forgetting the words of Christ the Head as in John 10, or His instruction to Peter, “Feed my sheep.”
So when Pastor Ralph stepped down from the pulpit, I heard Pastor Todd with wife Lori say that they’ve always held to their favorite hymn, “Be Thou My Vision.” Then I knew we could be joyfully assured that the Body (flock) of believers at CABC is keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, the eyes of Todd, and the blessing of God.

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